Friday, July 29, 2011

Corrective Relaxer

I have mentioned before that I used a lye relaxer in the past for a while and that it left my hair under processed. At this point in time, the left side of my hair has two textures.  The first six inches of hair from my scalp if relaxed bone straight. The next three or four inches is texlaxed due to the previous under processing.

If my hair is blow dried straight, or curled, or flat-ironed, the two textures are not really noticeable. But while my hair is wet and when it air dries, there is a visible difference. Even if it is humid outside, the texlaxed part of my hair with frizz up quicker and easier than the part of my hair that is relaxed bone straight. In the picture below, the left side is the texture of the under processed hair when wet and air dried, the right side is what I hope to acheive with the corrective relaxer.

I have held off on doing a corrective relaxer because I figured the texlaxed portion of my hair would just continue to grow out and I could eventually cut if off bit by bit.  Unfortunately, I no longer want to wait that long and will be doing a corrective relaxer on my next relaxer day.

I will correct the under processed hair by spreading relaxer down the hair shaft a few minutes before rinsing out the relaxer being mindful not to get the relaxer on the very ends of my hair because the texlaxed portion is only in the middle. I usually keep the relaxer on my hair for 18 mins (application and smoothing) so for the portion of my hair that needs correcting, I will smooth the relaxer down the hair shaft and let it remain there for the last 5-8 mins. I think that should do the trick. I will take pics and post my results.

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