Tuesday, July 31, 2012

13 Weeks Post Relaxer

I am glad I braided my hair. I have not had to do anything to it except put some oil in the parts to keep my hair conditioned while braided. I have been using a mixture of extra virgin olive oil and Jamaican black castor oil. I wish I had the time and patience to braid it during every stretch when I am 11-12 weeks along to allow me to be able to stretch just a little bit longer.

I am on my third week of wearing these braids and I think I will go ahead and keep them in for an entire month. Then, I'll take my hair down and deep condition it and let it rest for 1-2 weeks before relaxing. I am 13 weeks post relaxer right now so I have a good feeling I can stretch for 16 weeks, which I do believe will be a first for me.

Here are some pictures I took today. As you can see, the braids are kind of fuzzy but I kind of like it better this way. You can't really see the scalp in between the parts like before because my hair has grown a little bit since braiding.

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