Whoop, there it is! Hahaha, don’t know why I felt like starting this post with that phrase but that is what I feel like right now. Whoop, there it is….the last year of my twenties! Today is my 29th birthday. We’ve always celebrate birthdays at my job so it was no surprise for me to come to work today and find this display at my desk. If you look closely you can see a half eaten carrot cake, one of my favorite cakes. There were also a couple of gifts from two sweet friends that have grown close to at work. I am very thankful for them and for the gifts, too. It warms my heart.
Coincidentally, the day we decided to celebrate my birthday, we also had a holiday potluck at work. NOT GOOD for me since I decided on Monday I was going to really kick this weight loss back in gear. This was my plate below: turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, macaroni & cheese, corn casserole, broccoli & cheese casserole, green beans and a wheat roll. I must confess, I was a little upset that the darn plate circumference was not bigger so I could fit more food. Shame on me! I hit the gym at work shortly after that, lol.
So at age 29 I have sooo many blessings that I thank God for. I have the tough but wonderful job of being a mother and I cannot imagine life without it. I have a fiancé who I love dearly, who supports me and cares for me, who will be my husband soon. I have a good career and have been with the same company for six years on December 4th. I feel so secure at my job and I am thankful because everyone knows how some people have struggled in this economy to find and maintain employment. It’s hard out there. I am thankful for the opportunity to get education. I am one class shy of completing an MBA. When I actually completed my first semester towards my bachelor’s, I already had my first child so I have managed to make it through my bachelor’s degree and almost complete a master’s degree while working full-time and mothering three (now four) kids along the way. I can definitely say it has not always been easy. At times, it has been downright exhausting and frustrating but I keep pushing every day. I keep pushing and keep praying. Also, I am blessed to have my health. I don’t take that for granted.
I love to set goals for myself and I would love to set some goals for me to complete for age 29 but in a couple of months it will be a New Year so I will save all my goals for a New Year’s Resolution/Goals list. There are so many areas of my life that I fall short in, so many areas that I would like to improve. There are many areas that the Lord has been speaking to me about, putting it on my heart to change. I have been listening and I will obey. When you know better, you do better. God has been opening my eyes and teaching me things I really did not know.
I thank God for another year. I thank God for my blessings. I thank God for the good and bad experiences that have shaped me these past 29 years. I pray for guidance, enlightenment, discernment and wisdom. I pray that I realize my purpose and use it to glorify God. Please pray for me, too J If you need someone to pray for you, I am here and would love to do so. God Bless.